2 November 2024
Diana and Kamya interviewed Margaret about ‘Potentially Pesty Pets‘ for their new Podcast ‘Fieldnotes. Tune in!
10 February 2024
A plea for responsible pet owners in “‘Don’t let them go’: Warnings as parrots escape into wild” in RNZ
31 August 2024
Margaret was interviewed about the possibility of magpies starting to invade the Nelson area.
26 July 2024
Margaret talks about weeds in ‘Robots with lasers killing weeds’ in The RNZ Detail
17 April 2024
Margaret wrote an article in The Conversation outlining why the Government’s Fast-track approval Bill is bad news for the environment. Republished in RNZ
3 Feb 2024
Pesty pets were the subject of Margaret’s interview in ‘Turtle Recall’ in the NZ Listener
21 April 2023
Margaret discussed best practice pest management in the context of wallaby populations with bFM.
March/April 2023
Weed management was the subject of the day in Margaret’s contribution to NZ Geographic’s story on ‘Jungle Warfare’
22 March 2023
Margaret talked about how to boost your backyard biodiversity in the Spinoff’s ‘FutureProof‘
Feb 2023
Margaret talked about how urban greening can help mitigate the impacts of flooding in the NZHerald, Newsroom. RNZ and in NZES Hot topics.
2 Feb 2023
Hedgehogs were the subject of the day for Margaret in this article from Stuff.
Jan/Feb 2023
The release of our pet bird paper caused a flurry of discussions with various media outlets: RNZ, Newshub, TodayFM and Stuff
Jan 2023
Daria’s research on bird feeding featured in RNZ:Afternoons, bFM, ODT, RNZ:Weekends, ABC Radio Australia and NZHerald.
15 January 2023
Margaret discusses the potential for cat controls with TV3’s Newshub
Sept/Oct 2022
Our pet bird research was the subject of an article in NZ Geographic: ‘The Big Bird Ban’
Sept/Oct 2022
Cathy’s research featured in the NZ Geographic: ‘Cats are unpredictable, Who knew?’
31 August 2022
Margaret talked about the need to preserve darkness in our cities for wildlife in The Spinoff.
29 August 2022
Collaborator Yolanda van Heezik discusses our paper on a garden accreditation system for biodiversity with Stuff
23 August 2022
Rosie wrote a great OpEd in the NZHerald focused on her research on community backyard trapping.
17 August 2022
Juli was busy with media talking about her new paper on how important sleep is for bird song, and featured in NZ Geographic, Newshub, Karyn Hay Nights, and Morning Report RNZ
21 June 2022
Cathy was interviewed by Stuff, 95bFM and featured on TV3’s Newshub talking about her recent paper on feral cat home ranges.
21 June 2022
Finally, a conversation about matariki and light pollution – RNZ The Panel
3 June 2022
Margaret featured on TV1’s Seven Sharp with a feature on how to spot the difference between pesty pampas and native toetoe
14-16 February 2022
Busy time in the media for Margaret – being interviewed by Stuff, BfM, RNZ and The Guardian about our research on the potential impact of pet birds escaping in NZ.
10 February 2022
Margaret’s ‘Drawing Science’ collaboration with illustrator Pepper Raccoon on best practice weed management was published this week in The Spinoff! ‘Aotearoa’s Weed Problem‘
31 January 2022
Margaret featured on Nine to Noon (RNZ) discussing why biodiversity in cities matters.
14 December 2021
Margaret wrote an OpEd for The Guardian on the housing intensification bill.
25 November 2021
Margaret was interviewed by The Detail on Green Corridors
11 November 2021
Margaret commented in Stuff about the release of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s report on weed management in New Zealand
10 November 2021
Rosie was interviewed by Stuff, RNZ’s The Panel and TVNZ’s Seven Sharp about her image of a korimako/bellbird on her camera traps – the first time korimako have been spotted on the Auckland isthmus for 100 years!
27 September 2021
Margaret wrote a piece in Newsroom on nature and mental health for Mental Health Week
5 September 2021
Margaret was interviewed for Stuff about urban greening in Christchurch
29 August 2021
Margaret was interviewed by NZHerald on light pollution in Auckland
28 May 2021
Margaret featured in an article about urban sanctuaries in BBC future Planet
30 November 2020
Margaret was interviewed by RNZ about the Auckland Mayoral Conservation Awards & Pestival ‘Great Debate’ on introducing Australian species to replace our extinct flora and fauna.
19 November 2020
Margaret was interviewed by Stuff about Ellery’s PhD research on light pollution.
14 April 2020
Margaret wrote an OpEd on whether birds are flourishing under COVID-19 lockdown and was interviewed by RNZ’s Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan and RNZ’s Checkpoint
16 September 2019
Margaret was featured in a local story about how to improve biodiversity in cities through backyard actions! https://www.localmatters.co.nz/news/34877-backyard-behaviours-key-to-preserve-biodiversity.html
4 July 2019
Margaret featured in an article in Atlas Obscura about how plants in cities might be affected by climate change https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/bologna-italy-invasive-plants
2 June 2019
Margaret was interviewed by Stuff about tree loss in cities throughout New Zealand https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/112898870/the-aotearoa-chainsaw-massacre?cid=app-iPhone
12 April 2019
Margaret wrote an OpEd for Newsroom on place-based conservation https://www.newsroom.co.nz/@ideasroom/2019/04/12/531016/conservation-has-to-be-in-our-own-backyards
18 January 2019
Margaret featured in a Newsroom story on people planting introduced carnivorous plant species in National Parks https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2019/01/17/403066/rogue-carnivorous-plant-lovers-sabotage-national-park?preview=1
19 November 2018
Ellery McNaughton was interviewed by Jesse Mulligan at Radio New Zealand about her research on light pollution
30 October 2018
Margaret was featured in a Newsroom story on the Council report on tree removal in Auckland
29 October 2018
Margaret gave an interview on Auckland tree loss on Radio NZ with Jesse Mulligan https://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018668806/where-have-all-the-trees-gone
16 October 2018
Margaret was interviewed about ant by Jesse Mulligan at RadioNZ in the expert feature slot
15 August 2018
Ellery McNaughton wrote an extension of her recent Ecology Ngatahi blog for Newsroom: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2018/08/14/189852/the-unsung-heroes-of-our-landscapes
19 April 2018
Margaret spoke to Kathryn Ryan on Nine-to-Noon about urban cat research and management
18 April 2018
Margaret spoke to Farmers Weekly about the lack of long-term ecological monitoring in NZ
12 April 2018
Margaret wrote an OpEd for Newsroom on pet cat management
10 April 2018
Margaret was featured in a Newsroom story on the lack of long-term ecological monitoring
23 March 2018
Margaret wrote an OpEd for NZHerald on Biodiversity in Auckland and featured on RNZ’s Jesse Mulligan show
26 October 2017
Margaret was interviewed by The Project (Three) about the Global insect decline. The Project (Three) 26 Oct 1:20mins https://www.threenow.co.nz/shows/the-project/season-2017%3A-thursday-26-october-2017/S1173-784/M17572-521
22 September 2017
Margaret was interviewed by Stuff about inequity of Auckland’s tree cover https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/97052851/auckland-inequity-reflected-by-density-of-urban-tree-coverage
5 September 2017
Margaret Stanley was interviewed by Newsroom on urban nature: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2017/09/04/45603/wild-auckland
28 August 2017
Jamie Morton interview’s the four speakers (including Margaret Stanley) of the Vice-Chancellor’s Lecture Series on http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?objectid=11914922&ref=twitter
18 August 2017
Read Margaret’s article in The Spinoff:
STANLEY, M. C. (2017). If an insect goes extinct in the forest, and nobody records it… The Spinoff
6 July 2017
Anna Probert was in the news as a result of her Ecology Ngatahi blog. She spoke to Jamie Morton of the NZ Herald about insects and winter: http://bit.ly/2tZcP3Z
13 July 2017
Margaret Stanley took part in NZ Herald’s Sustainable Cities Series: buff.ly/2uX5nVo and tried to make a case for integrating biota into cities.
5th May 2017: Hear Margaret Stanley talking about myrtle rust in the context of the biosecurity system on TV3’s “The Project’. On Demand Episode 5/5/17 at 26:30mins.
30th June 2016: Listen to Margaret Stanley discussing pests & climate change on RadioNZ: http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/201806466/creepy-crawlies-on-the-rise
6 April 2016: Listen to Margaret Stanley being interviewed about threats to urban ecosystems by Kathryn Ryan on RNZ’s Nine to Noon programme:
The interview centres around this blog and paper:
STANLEY MC, BEGGS JR, BASSETT IE, BURNS BR, DIRKS KN, JONES DJ, LINKLATER WL, MACINNIS-NG C, SIMCOCK R, SOUTER-BROWN G, TROWSDALE SA, GASTON KJ. Emerging threats in urban ecosystems: a horizon scanning exercise. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment, 2015 13(10): 553–560, doi:10.1890/150229
1 April 2016: Robert Vennell and his MSc on quantifying feral pig damage functions is in the news!