
Publications from 2015 onwards (see Google Scholar for full list)

NOTTINGHAM CM, BUCKLEY, HL., CASE, BS., GLEN, AS., STANLEY MC. (2024). Does landscape composition influence the diets of feral cats in agroecosystems? Biological Invasions

MORAN IG, LOO YY, WITHERS S, STANLEY MC, CAIN K. (2023). Playback experiment shows no evidence for vocal learning in titipounamu nestlings (Acanthisitta chloris). NZ J Zoology DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2023.2267457

LOO YY, MORAN I, MENZIES AK, WITHERS S, STANLEY MC, CAIN K. (2023). Structure and function of the vocal repertoire of the Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris) a member of the earliest diverging passerine sub-order, Acanthisitti. Journal of Field Ornithology

BRANDT AJ, PNG GK, JO I, MCGRANNACHAN C, ALLEN K, PELTZER DA, D’ANTONIO C, DICKIE IA, FRENCH K, LEISHMAN MR, OSTERAG R, PARKER IM, STANLEY MC, SUDING KN, BELLINGHAM PJ. (2023). Managing multi-species plant invasions when interactions influence their impact. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution

CARTER ZT, McNAUGHTON EJ, FEA MP, HORNER I, JOHNSON KM, KILLICK S, McLAY J, SHIELDS B, STANLEY MC, GLEN AS. (2023). Evaluating scent detection dogs as a tool to detect pathogenic Phytophthora species. Conservation Science and Practice DOI: 10.1111/csp2.12997

BUCKLEY HL, HALL D, JARVIS R, SMITH V, WALKER L, SIBLY J, HINCHCLIFFE G, STANLEY MC, SWEENEY A, CASE BS. (2023). Using long-term experimental restoration of agroecosystems in Aotearoa New Zealand to improve implementation of Nature-based Solutions for climate change mitigation. Frontiers in Forests and Global Changeorg/10.3389/ffgc.2022.950041

VAN HEEZIK Y, BARRATT BIP, BURNS BR, CLARKSON BD, CUTTING BT, EWANS R, FREEMAN C, MEURK C, SHANAHAN DF, SIMCOCK R, SOUTER-BROWN G, STANLEY MC, STANLEY R, THORSEN MJ, WAKE S, WOOLLEY CK, ZINK R, SEDDON PJ. (2023). A rapid assessment technique for evaluating biodiversity to support accreditation of residential properties. Landscape and Urban Planning.

STANLEY MC, McNAUGHTON EJ, FEWSTER RM, GALBRAITH JA. (2023). Cumulative propagule pressure exerted by escaped pet parrots. Journal of Applied Ecology DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.14341

ERASTOVA DA, CAIN KE, GALBRAITH JA, VAN HEEZIK Y, STANLEY MC. (2023) Season and sugar concentration affect bird behaviour at urban sugar-water feeders. Emu­ DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2022.2132961

CASE B, FORBES AS, STANLEY MC, HINCHCLIFFE G, NORTON DA, SURYANINGRUM F, JARVIS R, HALL D, BUCKLEY HL. (2022). Towards a framework for targeting national-scale, native revegetation in Aotearoa New Zealand’s agroecosystems. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (In Press)

GAVIRAGHI MUSSOI, J. STANLEY MC., CAIN KE (2022) Importance of sleep for avian vocal communication. Biology Letters

GEROLEMOU R, RUSSELL JC, STANLEY MC. (2022). Social capital in the context of volunteer conservation initiatives. Conservation Science and Practice

ERASTOVA DA, GALBRAITH JA, CAIN KE, VAN HEEZIK Y, HUME EA, STANLEY MC. (2022). Effects of urban sugar water feeding on bird body condition and avian diseases. Avian Biology Research

RICHARDS DR, BELCHER RN, CARRASCO LR, EDWARDS PJ, FATICHI S, HAMEL P, MASOUDI M, MCDONNELL MJ, PELEG N, STANLEY MC. (2022). Global variation in contributions to human well-being from ecosystem services provided by urban vegetation. One Earth

NOTTINGHAM CM, BUCKLEY, HL., CASE, BS., GLEN, AS., STANLEY MC. (2022). Factors affecting home range size of feral cats: a meta-analysis. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (In Press)

O’MALLEY, TDR, STANLEY MC, RUSSELL JC (2022). Assessing two different aerial toxin treatments for management of invasive rats. Animals

EJ, GASTON KJ, BEGGS JR, JONES DN, STANLEY MC. (2021). Areas of ecological importance are exposed to risk from sky glow. Urban Ecosystems

ZHANG J, PANNELL JL, CASE BS, HINCHCLIFFE G, STANLEY MC, BUCKLEY HL. (2021). Interactions between landscape structure and bird mobility traits affect the connectivity of agroecosystem networks. Ecological Indicators

ERASTOVA DA, GALBRAITH JA, CAIN KE, VAN HEEZIK Y, FILION A, STANLEY MC. (2021). Sugar water feeding practices are associated with bird species composition in urban backyards. Journal of Urban Ecology  doi: 10.1093/jue/juab018

MACINNIS-NG et al. (2021). Climate change impacts exacerbate conservation threats in island systems: New Zealand as case study. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

McNAUGHTON EJ, BEGGS JR, GASTON KJ, JONES D, STANLEY MC. (2021). Retrofitting streetlights with LEDs has limited impacts on urban wildlife. Biological Conservation

HEGGIE-GRACIE SD, KRULL CR, STANLEY MC. (2020). Urban divide: predictors of bird communities in forest fragments and the surrounding urban matrix. Emu

GODDARD, M.,…STANLEY MC…DALLIMER M et al. (2020). A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution

PROBERT AF, WARD D, BEGGS J, BURY SJ, HERMANS S, LEAR G, STANLEY MC. (2020). Dietary niche overlap between non-native and native ant species in natural ecosystems. Ecological Entomology

NOTTINGHAM CM, GLEN, AS, STANLEY MC. (2020). Relative efficacy of chew card and camera trap indices for use in hedgehog and rat monitoring. NZ J Zoology DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2020.1784241

CASE, B. et al. (2020). The roles of non-production vegetation in agroecosystems: a research framework for filling process knowledge gaps in a social-ecological context. People and Nature DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10093

ERASTOVA DA., STANLEY MC. (2020). Observations of New Zealand kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus), foraging on insects associated with backyard artificial sugar-water feeders. Notornis 67: 475-478

BASSETT, I., PLANCK, G., MCNAUGHTON EJ, STANLEY MC. (2020). Cat ownership and proximity to significant ecological areas influence attitudes towards cat impacts and management practices. Environmental Management DOI 10.1007/s00267-020-01289-2

CASE, B. et al. 2020. The roles of non-production vegetation in agroecosystems: a research framework for filling process knowledge gaps in a social-ecological context. People and Nature (In Press)

ERASTOVA DA., STANLEY MC. (2020). Observations of New Zealand kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus), foraging on insects associated with backyard artificial sugar-water feeders. Notornis In Press

PROBERT AF., WARD DF., BEGGS, JR., ALLISON-MAXWELL, W., STANLEY MC. (2020). Invasion patterns of non-native ants in natural ecosystems in warm, temperate New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 44:1-8 DOI:

PROBERT AF., WARD DF., BEGGS JR., LIN S-L., STANLEY MC. (2019). Conceptual risk framework: Integrating ecological risk of introduced species with recipient communities. Bioscience 70(1):71-79 doi:10.1093/biosci/biz131.

NOTTINGHAM CM, GLEN, AS, STANLEY MC. (2019). Snacks in the city: the diet of hedgehogs in Auckland urban forest fragments. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43(2): 3374

YLETYINEN, J.; BROWN, P.; PECH, R.; HODGES, D.; HULME, P.; MALCOM, T.; MASEYK, F.; PELTZER, D.; PERRY, G.; RICHARDSON, S.; SMAILL, S.; STANLEY, M.; TODD, J.; WALSH, P.; WRIGHT, W.; TYLIANAKIS, J. (2019). Understanding and Managing Social-Ecological Tipping Points in Primary Industries. Bioscience 69: 335–347

NOTTINGHAM CM, GLEN, AS, STANLEY MC. (2019). Proactive development of invasive species damage functions prior to species reintroduction. Global Ecology & Conservation 

SAGAR RL, RAYNER MJ, DUNPHY BJ, STANLEY MC, MITCHELL C. (2019). Maximising success: translocation does not negatively impact stress reactivity and development in petrel chicks. Global Ecology & Conservation

SAGAR RL, COCKREM J, RAYNER MJ, STANLEY MC, WELCH J. 2018. Regular handling reduces corticosterone stress responses to handling but not condition of semi-precocial mottled petrel (Pterodroma inexpectata) chicks General and Comparative Endocrinology

KRULL CR, MCMILLAN LF, FEWSTER RM, VAN DER REE R, PECH R, DENNIS T,  STANLEY MC. 2018. Testing the feasibility of wireless sensor networks and the use of radio signal strength indicator to track the movements of wild animals. Wildlife Research. 45, 659-667

RUSSELL, J. C.; STANLEY, M. C. (in press) An overview of introduced predator management in inhabited landscapesPacific Conservation Biology

LEHRKE RM, MCGREGOR L, DYER J, STANLEY MC, DENNIS TE. 2017. An inexpensive satellite-download GPS receiver for wildlife: field trial on black swans Wildlife Research 44: 558-564

GALBRAITH JA, JONES DN, BEGGS JR, PARRY, K, STANLEY MC. 2017. Urban bird feeders dominated by a few species and individuals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 81. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2017.00081

BASSETT IE, HORNER IJ, HOUGH EG, WOLBER FM, EGETER B, STANLEY MC, KRULL CR. 2017. Ingestion of infected roots by feral pigs provides a minor vector pathway for kauri dieback disease Phytophthora agathidicida. Forestry (Lond) 2017 1-9. doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpx019

GALBRAITH JA, STANLEY MC, JONES DN, BEGGS JR. 2016 Experimental feeding regime influences urban bird disease dynamics. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 700–713. doi:10.1111/jav.01076

SHEPPARD CS, BURNS BR, STANLEY MC. 2016. Future-proofing weed management for the effects of climate change: is New Zealand underestimating the risk of increased plant invasions? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40(3): 398-405.

KRULL CR, STANLEY MC, BURNS BR, ETHERINGTON TR, CHOQUENOT D. 2016. Reducing Wildlife Damage with Cost-Effective Management Programmes. PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146765

STANLEY MC, BEGGS JR, BASSETT IE, BURNS BR, DIRKS KN, JONES DJ, LINKLATER WL, MACINNIS-NG C, SIMCOCK R, SOUTER-BROWN G, TROWSDALE SA, GASTON KJ. Emerging threats in urban ecosystems: a horizon scanning exercise. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment, 2015 13(10): 553–560, doi:10.1890/150229

WYSE SV, BEGGS JR, BURNS BR, STANLEY MC Protecting trees at an individual level provides insufficient safeguard for urban forests. Landscape and Urban Planning 141:112-122, 2015

GALBRAITH, J.A., BEGGS, J.R., JONES, D.N., STANLEY, M.C. Supplementary feeding restructures urban bird communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1501489112 2015

GARDNER-GEE, R., STANLEY, M.C., BEGGS, J.R. Re-forestation restores native dominance in an island beetle fauna. Restoration Ecology, 2015 doi: 10.1111/rec.12176