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Scholarship available for PhD project: The role of bird dispersal in the spread of weeds from residential gardens to urban native forest patches

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Applicants for this project should hold a first class (or high 2nd class) honours degree, or Masters, in a relevant area, preferably with interest in plant ecology, seed dispersal by birds, or biological invasions, with experience in undertaking field studies or experiments. The position is open to applicants of any nationality, provided they are fluent in English, able to obtain a student visa and eligible for admission to the PhD program at University of Auckland–Waipapa Taumata Rau, New Zealand.

Supervisor: Professor Margaret Stanley

Project Background

This is a fantastic opportunity for a student wanting to apply ecological theory to weed invasion while gaining skills and experience in a variety of techniques. Weeds are a major bioprotection challenge for Aotearoa–New Zealand and this PhD will have beneficial outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand’s biodiversity. The New Zealand Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment recently highlighted New Zealand’s widespread failure to manage weeds, particularly in native ecosystems. Rather than focusing on a species- or site-led approach to weed management, our research will take a landscape approach that recognises that the spread can be highly dependent on mode of dispersal, propagule pressure and the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. Understanding how species disperse across the landscape and how linear features connect sites, will deliver a more holistic management approach to weed invasions. Our research will be focused in urban Tāmaki Makaurau–Auckland.

Project Aims

This PhD project will investigate the movement of non-native fruiting plant species from residential gardens in urban Auckland to native habitat patches within the city. The project will explore the role of bird dispersers in moving seeds into native habitat patches, and whether perch trees could be used for targeted weed surveillance early detect of emerging weed species.

Ideal Candidate

Our ideal PhD candidate will be curious, motivated, and has a strong understanding of ecology of invasive species and plant ecology. They should also be able to work independently, write well in English, collaborate with others, and think critically.  The specific skills we will be looking for in addition to a strong academic record and proven abilities to conduct effective research, are a full driver’s licence (critical), experience undertaking fieldwork, ability to communicate with a range of people, including landowners/tenants, plant surveys and identification, and evidence of data analysis competence. Additional skills we would like are experience with using R software for data analysis and experience in using GIS.

Project Scope

To understand non-native plant species spread from residential gardens into native habitat patches, the PhD student will establish an array of seed traps underneath perch trees in gardens and in forest patches. The student will identify seeds and conduct weed surveys in various habitat types and features, quantifying propagule pressure and combining with trait data to identify emerging weeds. The surveys will compare the relative effectiveness of different surveillance strategies, considering deposition patterns of seeds.

Funding Information

The three-year scholarship provides an annual stipend of NZD$35,000 a year tax- free, covers full university fees and includes additional support a year towards operating expenses. The PhD will be run through the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The duration of the scholarship is three years.

How to apply

Applications should include evidence of qualifications and research experience, together with a curriculum vitae and contact details of two academic referees who can be contacted. Applications should be supported by a cover letter that states a) why you are interested in continuing your studies to obtain a PhD; b) what specific aspects of this particular PhD attracted you; c) how your qualifications and experience would map onto the proposed research; and d) your GPE as calculated here. Please email complete applications to mc.stanley@auckland.ac.nz before 30th April 2025. Preferred candidates would then need to apply to study at the University of Auckland and meet the institutional criteria for entry prior to the scholarship being confirmed.



Please contact Margaret for postgraduate and volunteer opportunities.