I have been lucky to have a wonderful group of postgraduate students, and postdoctoral fellows working with me. We benefit enormously from the connections and collaborations we have with our special alumni.
Postdoctoral Fellows Lizzy Lowe - The effects of urbanisation on beetle communities Current position: Fellow, Edith Cowan University Cheryl Krull - Roads as a barrier to invasive mammals Current position: Ecologist, Auckland Council
PhD Students Rosie Gerolemou - The Social and Ecological Benefits of Community-led Backyard Pest Control in Urban Auckland Juli Gaviraghi Mussoi - The importance of sleep for avian vocal communication Theo O'Malley - Rat and Possum Dynamics in an Eradication Landscape: Novel Tools, Movement Patterns and Device Interactions Current position: postdoc, Max Planck Institute, Germany Cathy Nottingham - The influence of vegetation connectivity on feral cat movement on farms Yen Yi Loo - Vocal communication of titipounamu Current position: Postdoc, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Malaysia Daria Erastova - Sugar-water feeding impacts on urban birds Current Position: Forest & Bird Ines Moran - Vocal learning in titipounamu Ellery McNaughton - Effects of artificial light at night on urban wildlife. Current Position: Biosecurity Advisor, Auckland Council Rachael Sagar - Foraging ecology and physiological impacts of translocation of mottled petrels (Pterodroma inexpectata) Current Position: Ecologist, Department of Conservation Carolina Lara Mendoza - Plant-frugivore interactions in an urbanised landscape Current Position: Avifauna specialist, Wildlands Anna Probert – Assessing risk to native ecosystems: using exotic ants as models Current Position: Postdoc, University of Fribourg Josie Galbraith – Does supplementary feeding contribute to the success of introduced bird species? Current position: Natural Sciences Curator, Auckland Museum Christine Sheppard – Potential distribution and invasiveness of newly established alien plants under different climate change scenarios. Current position: Academic, University of Hohenheim Cheryl Krull – Impact and management of feral pigs in temperate rainforest Current position: Lecturer, AUT (Auckland University Technology) Tania Jogesh – Consequences of global redistribution on the ecology and evolution of the invasive weed Pastinaca sativa and its associated insect fauna Current position: Postdoc, Chicago Botanic Gardens
MSc Students
Ella Speers - Improving monitoring and detection of Darwin's ants Abigail Cunninghame - Ecological Condition and Utilisation of Greenspaces in Primary Schools Current Position: Pest Free Howick Rebecca McQueen - How do personality and sex affect stress responses in myna vocalisations Current Position: Biosecurity Team, Auckland Council Jessica Peart - Sex-specific crypsis as a driver of sexual dichromatism in titipounamu Current Position: Ecologist, Wildlands Makenzie Vitosovich - Antipredator colouration Sandy Huang - The ecology of Auckland's urban trees Current Position: Ecologist, Beca, Ltd Cathy Nottingham – The impact of hedgehogs in urban forest fragments Robert Vennell – Estimating a damage function for feral pig disturbance Current position: Collections Manager, Natural Sciences, Auckland Museum Rebecca Lerhke – Assessing the Assessing the efficacy of disturbance-based management of black swans at the Auckland Airport Current position: Lecturer, AUT Sam Heggie-Gracie – Urban bird composition at different scales Current position: Ecologist, Tonkin & Taylor Sam Lincoln – Indirect impacts of mammalian pest control Current position: Ecologist, Ark in the Park (Forest & Bird) Jess Devitt – Assessing the potential ecological impacts of the hadda beetle Current position: Ministry of Primary Industries Claire Warren – Kick-starting secondary succession in old fields: can artificial perches influence seed rain? Current Position: Department of Conservation Eru Nathan – Determining the spatial extent of biodiversity outcomes mammalian predator pest management Current position: Ecologist, Auckland Council Vinni Pather – The ecology and future invasive potential of Jatropha curcas as a biofuel crop in New Zealand Current position: Ministry for Primary Industries Saronna Auina – The impact of Anopolepis gracilipes (yellow crazy ants) on invertebrate communities in Nu’utele, Samoa Current position: High School science teacher Murray Fea - Reproductive ecology and impact of the invasive praying mantis Miomantis caffra Current position: Entomologist, Department of Conservation Jarrod Thompson – Coexistence in ant communities invaded by the ecologically dominant Argentine ant Current Position: Team Leader, AsureQuality Kenneth Sung – Environmental limitations of Argentine ants
BSc (Honours) students Ellery McNaughton – The effect of supplementary feeding on Indian mynah in urban areas. Current position: Biosecurity Advisor, Auckland Council Robin Gardner-Gee – Invertebrates and restoration: testing restoration assumptions and assessing restoration success on Motuora Island. Current Position: Scientist, Plant & Food Research